Real Steel History
Basic Gun Information
First Impressions
Real Steel History
Appearance/Build Quality
Pros & Cons

Evike held a contest a few months ago to win the first made & in the US S&T/A&K SVD AEG! no more spring non sense an affordable AEG SVD that's replica 1:1 spec (almost)! unfortunately I lost but I knew I would get it eventually and I have 8)
Real Steel History

The Dragunov sniper rifle (formally Russian: Снайперская винтовка Драгунова, Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova (SVD), literally "Dragunov's sniper rifle") is a semi-automatic sniper rifle/designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62x54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union.
The Dragunov was designed as a squad support weapon, since according to Soviet and Soviet-derived military doctrines the long-range engagement ability was lost to ordinary troops when submachine guns and assault rifles (which are optimized for close-range and medium-range, rapid-fire combat) were adopted.
I got it from the Contest winner but Evike will stock it in the future.
First Impressions/Packaging

I was in love with it from the first time I heard about it but back to the review. I was amazed at first of the weight and quality of the gun, its not weighted like most long rifles all the weight is around the trigger but its mostly because of the scope. I was also shocked at how "slippery" the wood grips are, this is a gun you have to wear a left hand glove just to keep hold of the gun. Its also very unbalanced side to side with the scope on it, you naturally hold it to the right to much and the entire gun is off center.
7/24 Update I didn't notice the wood finish cleaner I used say right on it "For slick shiny finish"
Stick type 9.6v 1600mah
Nothing else has been announced officially
Gun Specifications
Full Length: 1225mm
Weight: 13lbs (With PSO-1 scope, cheek pad, loaded magazine)
Construction Material: CNC Steel/metal, Real Wood
Stock FPS: 400+
Gearbox: T3 (Proprietary, Clone)
Barrel Length: 610mm (Proprietary, Uses standard AEG cut barrel, 590mm TBB recommended or contact EdGi for a custom barrel)
Hop-Up: T3 (Proprietary, Uses standard AEG bucking & nub)

I really don't know how the externals could possibly be better on this gun, everything is very strong and is solid in place when assembled correctly it could be a baseball bat, I've looked from stock to flash hider for plastic and yet to find it that's shocking for an A&K gun. The wood is absolutely sexy and amazing same as the Real Sword but the holes in the grips are not cut accurately even with each other, only disappointment is it doesn't even have a wood smell its cheap although very strong & thick.
There isn't other then "made in china" which is disappointing.
Outer of the magazine is a nice strong metal and won't crack or break easily, inside of the magazine is plastic and so are the edges that secure it in the gun sadly, no wear anywhere yet or cracking let's hope it stays that way. Real Sword SVD magazines right now is the only option to get more magazines but I'm unsure right now if their compatible or if A&K will release spare mags when the gun gets released.
Can't report on this yet due to getting the gun non-functional.

Alright! so here it is the down and dirty part everyone loves when it comes to a "clone" review, this gun doesn't even deserve that label in my opinion. Anyway it sports a T3 gearbox which is a direct clone of a Real Sword and therefore can use ANY and all parts a Real Sword SVD can, but enough about Real Sword onto the A&K! it has 8 7mm metal bushings, Steel ball bearing spring guide, Steel/metal gears, tappet plate, Plastic cylinder head, Plastic piston. After just 3 games with the SVD the tappet plate snapped in half and all the gearbox springs were over stretched but both were easily replaced with Real Sword replacements. Also the first tooth of the piston snapped right off but is a standard SR-25 long type piston, the motor is just a standard unmarked Chinese motor but pulls the spring on a 9.6v 1600mah fine, oh and is the most magnetic motor I have ever seen.
The bucking is a soft type and very thin I would replace it right away since this is a high fps gun. Also for some reason from the factory the bucking & inside of the hop-up are oiled and it has a Armor-All kinda smell to it like rubber cleaner/shiner definitely not silicon oil.
So far only 1 and its a "redneck" AR latch release that may not be needed after its properly shimmed more on this when I update the review.
7/24 Update Who needs a stupid AR latch when you have a mosfet, just got a Firefet with 16ga wiring so that's 2 birds with 1 stone! and at $27 shipped and built by the great tech Fireman how could you not buy one?
Should be around $300 or a little more
Reliable T3 Gearbox
Steel or equally strong metal externals
Real wood is always sexy
Many internal parts are in no need of upgrades
Your getting the closest 1:1 airsoft SVD replica for under $500!
To many parts need to be replaced with stronger parts A.S.A.P after buying it
Wood isn't exactly on spec its not cut the same in some spots
Hop-up placement and securing is absolutely awful, same as the Real Sword
Brand new from the factory its not gonna hold together needs teching right away
Being a big fan of the AK series and all Russian guns I couldn't say no when I had a chance to get this one of a kind AEG SVD but really who wouldn't buy this gun? unless you already bought a Real Sword or your an average AR lover.
Build Quality - 9/10 Some annoying design faults keep me from rating it 10
Internals - 5/10 Due to having to replace at lest 1-2 parts brand new right out of the box
Performance - 0/0 Can't rate this yet due to not actually using it in a skirmish
That is a cyma, not a&k.
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