This marks the third addition to KSC's popular Heckler & Koch USP line of self-loading pistols. Well, maybe the tenth or eleventh if you count all of the variations to the Mk23 SOCOM product line

This replica has been anxiously awaited since it's announcement last summer, and honestly a pretty quick design-to-production release compaired to some Japanese Airsoft replicas, no doubt trading on not only the popularity of thier Mk23 and the USP Compact from 2004, but the 'rare' Tanaka Works USP and P8 models.
Real-steel History
Few are not familiar with the Heckler & Koch pistols these replica's are based on. The USP handgun line has been a standard among Law Enforcement and Military Agencies around the world since it's inception. According to H&K, this pistol was actually designed for the American market, based on the familar 1911 automatics used by the Military and Police.
Currently the real-steel USP line is available in 9 trigger/firing mode configurations and three different ammunition calibers: 9mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP.
The Replica
The Presentation

I ordered the KSC USP .45 from Redwolf Airsoft right before Christmas...I mean right before as in Dec 22nd! And she arrived safe and sound at my house in Colorado on Christmas Eve! (you can read more on that story in my Retailer Review of Redwolf)
The .45 USP came in the familiar Blue box denoting being a proud member of the KSC USP line like it's smaller brother, the 9mm Compact. Inside the box are the usual quality packing and standard accessories KSC supplies the shooter.

And of course as I live in America, home of the Free, land of the 'Blaze Orange Muzzle Paint', I was greeted by a neon...er uh blaze orange nose on my brand new USP.

So far at this point in my inspection of the .45, the only thing I am thinking is....it feels a bit lighter than I would have expected. Compared to my Compact USP and my Mk23, I was imagining the .45 to be closer to the SOCOM, I suppose due to its increased size over the compact, but it really feels light and....well,...a bit too 'plasticky' if that's a word.
Well let's load her up and see how she feels doing what she was designed to do!

Replica Quality Impressions
From a standpoint of "Well, how does it look?", I give the KSC high marks. Trademarks on the slide are crisp and reasonably deep, although certainly not on a par with the expected aftermarket replacement slides, but then thats half the reason you buy them...right?

The frame thankfully doesn't have the dark-plastic, dare-I-say-it cheesy TM quality that some of the latest MK23's have had, it looks really good and is very comparable to what you have on your USP Compact.
A bit about Redwolf Blaze-Orange muzzle painting- Being somewhat of a 'realism twit', I usually wait about oh, 30 seconds after un-wrapping a new gun before the urge to remove the muzzle paint takes control of me- And usually a couple second dip on rubbing alcohol is all that is needed to turn the orange paint to so much jelly that can easilly be wiped off, then Bob's your Uncle, you have a thing of beauty.
However, this time around, after the alcohol bath and wipe down, the orange layer did indeed come right off, revealing a white base-coat underneath. Another dip in alcohol and some more coaxing with a cloth, and that layer began to disappear, unfortunately though it did not want to go away completely. Instead it left a dull, foggy, white shade on the nose of my beautiful USP. This would not do.
So I spent the next couple of hours experimenting with various 'Model Master Metalizer' colors looking for an acceptable solution to my slide issue. I tried 'Titanium'- too light. 'Black Metalic' -too shiny. Then I tried 'Gun Metal' and that wasn't bad, but being the impatient git that I am, I wasn't happy with the coats. Long story short, I ended up giving up in frustration, grabbing my paint thinner and rubbing the entire slide back down to remove all the applied layers. .......which effectively removed not only the foggy white tone on the muzzle from the inspection painting, but left the gun with a very nice dull, yet reflective (is that an oxymoron?

Shooting Impressions
Well, as usual I always forget to bring my digital camera into the garage in my excitement to 'throw a few downrange' and this time is no exception. I will update this review with nice pictures of perforated targets

I have to admit that I am one of those cavalier boneheads that seems to pay no attention to manufacturers warning labels. Especially when it comes to Gas Airsoft replicas....in other words, They make something other than GreenGas?

Anyway, by way of disclaimer, Japanese Replicas = HFC143a, Don't try this at Home, Use only under Adult Supervision, Void where Prohibited, oh yeah, and Do no remove mattress tag under Penalty of Law.

The thing I noticed right off the bat with my first round through the new KSC USP is this gun is LOUD! and the blowback action is very quick and the recoil is impressive!
The magazine holds 25 rounds as you would expect. I cycled through all 25, then another full mag, then another before I needed to reload Gas. The grouping at 30 ft was tight, 5- 5 1/2 inch groupings and after the third magazine they dropped nicely into the target zone rather than being a bit 'high and right'.
All in all I would say this is yet another quality weapon example from KSC. A very servicable sidearm for Modern Milsim/Law Enforcement Airsoft action!

As stated, this is certainly a worthy addition to the venerable KSC USP lineup and with the scarcity of the Tanaka Works USP models, a welcome one. Aside from the unexpected 'lightness' in weight of the gun, I would say this replica is every bit as good in quality and exactness as the Tanaka Works product. And with the expected accessories that will no doubt soon be available for it, slides, barrels, recoil springs and valves, etc, I would guess that this version may well surpass the Tanaka as the most popular USP going.
Redwolf and a few others are already moving through their first allotments of the KSC USP, so word to the wise, place your orders soon.
(Thanks to KSC, Redwolf Airsoft, Arnies Airsoft, and my local buddies, the Colorado Airsoft Group COASG)
And now, a few more gratuitous vanity shots of the new KSC and it's brothers

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