Positive aspects of the product (pros): | Compact design, well balanced, long barrel, good scope |
Cons: | Small hop adjustment wheel |
Finally got mine after wanting one from pretty much as soon as that came out. Heres my thoughts on it so far.
On opening the box, you get greeted with a superb looking gun. The hi cap mag is already loaded in the gun in the box and all the extras you get are the cleaning rod and sight adjustment tool. Standard CA stuff, but then im not buying a cardboard box!
On picking up the gun, I first realised that it doesn't weigh as much as I thought it was going to. Even with a very bulky stock, the gun feels well balanced and is nice to hold.
The plastic body of the gun feels good to the touch and of a good quality, and all the metal parts on the reel steel are metal on this gun too.
My only concern when buying this gun was the fact that it had a fixed scope and that if it broke, it would be impossible to replace without buying an entirely new upper receiver. However, the scope feels very solid indeed and like it could take any hits coming its way and not be damaged by them. The glass lenses are set a bit of the way into the scope so they are protected somewhat from bb hits.
This gun takes a mini sized battery right in the back of the stock. Simply pop the rubber butt plate off to gain access to the battery connector plug. In the space for the battery, you can also gain access to the fuse. For comparison, the fuse and wiring seems of the same type used in the latest M15 series of rifles released by CA and seem to be of a very good quality.
With the battery in and the hi-cap mag loaded and wound, its time to shoot. I set up a small target at the end of my garden (about 8 to 10m away; only a small garden I’m afraid) to unleash some plastic death on.
The magazines for the aug are almost identical in size to an m16 type mag, so fitting them in existing magazine pouches won't be a problem.

Just a tip, when loading this gun, and im sure its the same for any bull pup, I found it easiest to hold the gun with you non firing hand on the front grip and use your trigger hand to do the loading. I’m not sure why it’s easier, it just is.
Heres a quick pic of the mag well for you all, pretty standard stuff in there really.

As mentioned, the gun has a scope already on it, which cannot be removed. Not that I would want to. The scope is very clear and can easily be used weather you're wearing goggles, glasses or a full face mask (like I do)

The scope has a simple cross hair with a small circle at the centre with a 1.5x magnification. It can be used easily with both eyes open which im told is the best way to aim a gun. The scope has back up iron sights on the top of it as well and they are very similar to the sights on a pistol. Not the easiest to aim with them, but they are functional and do work none the less.
On to the firing. Before I did, I had to clean the barrel out, as there was a lot of mess in it from where the muzzle had chewed up the polystyrene box. Another amazing feature of this gun is that it can be very easily disassembled for cleaning. The barrel and front grip are easily removed and replaced by simply moving a locking nail and sliding out the barrel. Simply remove, clean, replace.
Out of the box, my scope was waaay off to the right and down. However, I couldn't be bothered about that at the time because something more fantastic was distracting me.
The rate of fire from this gun in automatic is phenomenal! I have NEVER seen a stock AEG fire faster than this; it really does have to be seen to be believed. Fair enough my grouping in auto was appalling, but I think the huge grin on my face prevented me from aiming properly.
Anyway, I digress. Unlike most guns, this one doesn’t have a traditional fire select lever. Instead, the amount of death fired depends on how far you pull the trigger. Initially I thought this would be a bad thing and that just 1mm too far would see me empty half a mag into a target. It turns out this isn’t the case. You pull the trigger back until you feel it stop and you fire 1 shot. Then, if you pull through the resistance you engage full auto. It will not be easy to 'accidentally' fire in full auto if you only intend on firing 1 shot.
In semi auto, and when I was really trying, I managed to get my shots all within an inch or two of each other, which I expected from a gun with a barrel this long. However, the small range over which I was trying this gun out on severely restricted my ability to adjust the hop up and scope accurately. I will have to wait for my next skirmish to do these. Therefore at this time I can't reliably comment on this guns accuracy or range.
This gun is nuch noisier than my others, but I guess this has something to do with the fact that the gearbox and motor is directly next to your ear when you fire it, unlike other traditional shaped guns where the gears and motor are in front of your face by a few inches. This probably also explains why initially I thought there was somehting wrong with it because I could hear the motor whizzing round far more on this gun than on my others.
The hop up is a barrel type hop up. It is accessed by pulling back the cocking handle, which can also be locked back for ease of adjustment (and to remove the barrel if you want to)

That’s the handle held back by a small notch that you pop it into, similar to on an mp5.

And the open ejection port, showing the hop up unit.
Before buying thid gun, I had held the marui aug (civ version) and this is how I knew I liked them and wanted one. On the marui aug, I noticed the front handle was very wobbly and felt very loose.
The CA front folding grip is much sturdier than on the marui. It still has a tiny bit of wobble side to side in it, but not enough to make it noticable in normal use, and no where near as much as the marui one. Id consider this problem with the marui most definately fixed by CA.
The front grip on the CA can effortlessly support the weight of the gun too, if you ever want to hold you aug out in front of you that is (which I did, just to test its sturdyness)
The final thing I noticed about my aug, was that there is a slight bit of give, about 1mm max, between the metal upper body and the rest of the plastic part of the gun that it is attached to. Again, this is not noticable when using the gun. Its only by chance when I was putting it down I heard it rock and wandered 'what was that'.
After a bit of enquiring on the arnies forums, it turns out this is normal however, the marui ones do it, and even the real steel augs do it to. Without completely diassembling the gun, which im not prepared to do, Im told its due to the fact that only a single pin holds the metal upper to the plastic lower of the gun.
But the main thing is, this slight movement does not affect the firing of the gun. It fires fine, so im not going to worry about it, and neither should you.
To summarise a painfully long review (sorry about that, but I did want to be thorough)
Good points
Very compact gun for such a long barrel
Amazing looks (just like marmite tastes good)
Well balanced and easy to handle
Good scope
Rate of fire
Bad points
The play between some parts of the gun (even though I’m told this is normal)
The fact the scope is non removable (not a problem for me, but it could be for some)
Stop reading now unless you want to know why I think this is the only gun you ever need own...
I bought this gun firstly because I love the looks of it, but secondly so that I had a gun to use when I knew Id be doing some open woodland and cqb all in the same one game. My m15 is too long for cqb, but I would always choose it over my g36c for woodland.
The following picture illustrates exactly why the AUG can be used for anything.

It is almost exactly the same length as the g36c, so its fine for cqb work. Its even evicted the g36 from its case because it fits better in the star gun case than in my full length rifle case.
The aug has a barrel equal in length to an m16, so its fine for woodland. And it will always be more accurate than any other shorter barreled gun, however you use it.
The folding front handle means you can carry it rifle style or front gripped style, whenever you want!
EDIT 1,after the first skirmish.
Took my shiny new paperwieght to its first game yesterday. Yes, I said paperwieght, let me explain.
Now its one thing trying to set a hop up and zero a scope in a small back garden, but it will not fire how you want it to in a woodland game. Therefore I took it to the range to set it up properly.
Filled mag, wound mag, loaded gun, fired. Got no more than 50 rounds through it then it started dry firing. Fair enough, its just stopped feeding I thought. I took the mag out and several (not one or two as normal) bb's fell out. It didnt strike me as strange at first and I just put the mag back in. Tried firing and fount that the trigger had jammed. It moved back a little bit, and im only talking a few mm before I couldnt move it any more, but it wasnt locked in position like it was when the safety is on.
I checked the safety was off completey, it was. I removed the barrel assembly to check nothing was stuck in there, there wasnt. I have no idea why my gun has broken.
After much cursing, sulking, ridicule and general angryness that it had broken I packed it away before the day had even started. Only the good kills I got with my other CA has convinced me to take it back to Airsoft Arnoury for a repair/replacement gun (which thay have said they will do, good chaps thay are) and give the CA Aug a second chance before I ask for my money back. (
I am willing to give this gun one more chance however before I write it off as a waste of money, so Ill add edit part 2 once I have got the new/repaired Aug. (added)
EDIT 2: Aug #2
Got a brand new aug today after being told that the problem had been identified with the broken old one but that they didn't know what caused it or how to fix it. So after waiting a month of phonecalls to AA, ive finally got a brand new AUG.
It's exactly the same (read... amazing) as the old one (suprise suprise) The scope was wayy off to the right and down, just like the old one. The gun muzzle had tried to eat its way out of the box so the barrel needed cleaning, just like the old one. The only differece in this one to the old one is that there isnt lube oozing from every available orophice. I dont know if this is good or bad, it just looks a bit tidier though.
Now for the all important crunch issue. The trigger. This one works, just like the other one did for the first 1000 or so rounds. So far so good. Im going to put a few 100 more through it later though just so I know I havent got an early lemon. One thing that I have noticed is that this ones trigger isnt quite as stiff as the old one was, and the transition from semi to full is a much smoother operation.
The ROF is still blisteringly fast and the fps seems on par with the old aug and my other stock CA gun.
This leads me to believe that the problem with the old Aug was that something must have not been finished correctly with reguards to the trigger and its moving parts and this caused it to stick. Im going to put a few more rounds through it hoping to exceed the number it took to break the old one.
The only negative points I can find on this second aug is that the front handle seems a bit wobblier than on the first one. Not as wobbly as the TM aug, but still wobblier than I remember. But maybe im just looking for problems with it now...
Even though this one apears to be fine, im still not completely comfortable with this gun at the moment. It will have to make it through its first skirmish and still work at the end before im happy with it again. So until then, my opinion of it has gone from 9/10 to 7/10. Update after its first sirmish folks.
So I scirmished this at the weekend, and I was bowled over by its performance even in the heavy rain. I read somewhere that the aug is efficient, and armalites are sexy, and now I completely agree with it. Side by side, my M15 still looks the best, but on the battlefield nothing touches the aug.
It is the most accurate AEG I own, probably due to the long barrel coupled with a brilliant scope and I got some fantastic kills with it that I normally would never had made using just iron sights. I will probably soon be investing in a tight barrel and metal hop up to take full advantage of this guns potential.
The range on it had people running for cover even though I thought I was just taking pot shots at them, and the RoF sure as hell kept their heads down once they got there!
Thirdly the compactness of the gun allowed me to take full advantage of my small frame + small gun + small tree stump to take cover from an M249.
There were only two downsides to using this gun in battle. The first was that whilst the front handle is much sturdier than the marui, when I was just sitting waiting for the next attacker and fidgiting, the slight give is apparent. But whilst using the gun its absolutely fantastic and you dont notice any movement whatsoever.
The second was my fault and is very easily rectified. I was expecting to be using about the same amount of ammo per game as I normall do in my M15 (as I am comparing the two guns very closely) and oh how wrong I was. I took 2 hi-caps thinking that would be enough and ended up reloading both in the dead zome mid game. As the RoF is higher than my other guns I found I was getting through more ammo than normal. A stupid mistake I should have realised. More mags on order soon I think.
Only my perfect gun would get a 10/10, and this isnt it as it isnt perfect. I also feel too many people buy a gun and then rate it 9/10 because they own it and therefore theyre cool and so is the gun, so it doesnt get a 9/10 either. 8.5/10 would be perfect as this gun really did perform very very well when compared to my other AEG's, but seeing as I cant give that score it gets a more than deserved 8/10.
my bb's keep going down and to the left how can i fix this
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