Today I will be reviewing the G&G Full Metal GR-16A3, more commonly known as the M16A3 as you probably already know. The designation A3 comes from the fact that the gun has a removable carrying handle, and has the ability to fire full automatic, and not burst.
M16A1- Non-removable carrying handle, Semi, Full automatic.
M16A2- Non-removable carrying handle, Semi, 3 Round burst.
M16A3- Removable carrying handle, Semi, Full automatic
M16A4- Removable carrying handle, Semi, 3 Round Burst
M16A4 MWS- Same features as above, but includes a Knight's Armament M5 RAS
Those are the main differences between the M16's. I like having the Airsoft M16A3, because it is very realistic to the real thing. It fires full auto, and semi just like the real one, unlike Airsoft G36's that only fire semi auto and full auto without having the option for burst. The M16A3 was in service for a short period of time. It was primarily used by the United States Navy. Navy SEAL's liked the option to put many rounds on target in a short period of time. The rate of fire on the M16A3 is 900 rounds per minute, and the effective range of the M16A3 is 550 meters. That is just a brief history of the M16 and its variants.
This review of the G&G GR-16A3 will come with no personal bias for or against this gun. Everything I write will be from my own opinion, and I will not be favoring or not favoring. My opinion is based on how the gun performs, looks, and costs compared to other models. With that being said lets begin!
The G&G GR-16A3 comes in a very sturdy package. I would like to thank Airsoft GI for making sure that nothing will break during shipping. The gun comes in a very nice Styrofoam box, but unlike other Styrofoam this will not break apart, and end up getting everywhere. It is a grey color, and stays intact. The gun comes with a nice manual describing the M16 and its variants. Included with the gun are your typical tools such as, unjamming rod, front sight adjustment tool, and delta ring adjustment wrench. It also comes with a Hi-capacity magazine (which I will never use), and the package does not come with a battery or charger.

I will be starting from the back of the gun and moving forward. The stock is a full stock that is plastic, and can easily accommodate large type batteries. There is a little door you open on the back of the stock to insert your battery. I personally use an Intellect 9.6V 2000 MAH battery. It fits and works great!

This gun uses a typical M16 style sling mount. The rear sling mount protrudes from the stock, and the front sling mount is right underneath the front sight. I would definitely recommend using the OE TECH/Condor Universal 3-point sling for this gun. It is easy to install and even easier to use. As a side note when using the OE TECH/Condor sling it is easier to just install it on the stock instead of using the rear sling mount. It is also more stable this way.

Now I will move on to the middle of the body where the two receivers are connected. This "middle" portion is made out of magnesium, and is full metal. It is rock solid as well as lightweight. The receivers have a bunch of G&G Armament logos that look really good. The selector switch clicks nicely into place in all positions, but is not ambidextrous. Underneath the metal carrying handle is a metal M1913 rail. On the starboard side of the receiver is a metal dust cover that must be pried open with your fingers. When this is done it exposes the hop-up unit. Also there is a non-functional forward assist that is purely for aesthetics. The magazine release is also on that side. The magazine that is included holds 450 rounds, and slightly extends further then a normal M16/M4 magazine. It also has trademarks. If I could recommend S ARMS mid capacity magazines to any of you I would do so. These magazines work very well. On top sits a non-functional charging handle. It is just for looks, but can be racked back if you would like. Overall G&G did a great job on this body.

This gun also features a 20" barrel and 12" hand guards. They are ribbed, and feel really nice in your hands. The outer barrel is a solid hunk of metal, and is a one piece outer barrel unlike those cheap clone brands. The outer barrel is removable with use of the included delta ring tool.

The iron sights on this gun are pretty good for me. They are adjustable for windage and elevation, and the rear sight has two different apertures; close quarters, and long range.

Now I will go on to the orange flashider. It is a beast to remove. The best way to get it off is to use a heat gun which makes it simple. Also included with the package is an orange muzzle cap. High end companies have started to use Epoxy to glue on the flashider. Epoxy is industrial strength glue and is very hard to get off. Do not fret though like I said earlier it is possible if you use a heat gun. Once you get it off it reveals 14mm counter clockwise threads.

Now I will move on to the disassembly. The first step on the disassembly is to pop the pin out that is in front of the magwell on the port side. (Sorry I'm using navigational terms to describe which part of the gun I am talking about.) Next you pull back on the charging handle, and pull the upper receiver off. (Pushing on the D-ring helps) You must make sure to pull the charging handle back though, because there is a small ridge that won't let you pull the upper receiver off. After that all you have to do is take the inner barrel out, and you have access to your hop-up and inner barrel.

To get it back together all you have to do is reverse those steps. Be careful not pull too far back on the charging handle though, because you could stretch the spring out, and your charging handle won't make that satisfying clack when it is pulled back.
All in all the gun performs great as far as I can see. The brass inner barrel is a 6.04mm Tight Bore Barrel. This gun also includes G&G's awesome green bucking. Internally it seems rock solid, but I am not a master of gearboxes so I could be wrong. That is why I am not doing an internal review. The gun shoots about 345 to 350 fps, and gets very good groupings. I use G&G .25g bbs for anyone wanting to know.
I hope that those videos clarify anything that I have failed to mention or if you are still confused.
To conclude I think this gun is spectacular. It looks and feels so solid, and is very realistic. It is packaged very nicely and I think G&G did an amazing job on the externals. It features a very nice stock 6.04mm Tight Bore Barrel, and comes stock with G&G's green bucking. The GR-16A3 is really a blast to play with. It performs well out of the box and it is super easy to take apart, and upgrade. For $260.00 this gun is well worth the price, and I would recommend this model to anyone. I now have confidence that G&G is a very good brand that takes pride in their products. I hope that this review helps to answer anyone's questions or problems.
Things that I highly recommend include:
a) OE TECH/Condor 3 PT Sling (BLK) http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=1285
b) S ARMS M16 160 Round Mid Capacity Magazine http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=2985
c) Leapers 4x20 Combat Style M15 Scope http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=3361
d) G&G 0.25g 4000bbs http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=3300
e) Bravo CCW MB6 Flash Hider with Slotted Ports http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=5966
f) MadBull Gemtech "Blackside" Barrel Extension http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=2357
g) Intellect 9.6v 2000mAh NiMH Nunchuck Battery http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.p ... ts_id=2772
A few miscellaneous pictures

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